
Thundercats: Omens

I'll admit it.  Even though the various trailers & clips showed promise, part of me was always leery of the idea of a Thundercats revamp.  There were plenty of ways that things could have gone wrong.

They didn't.  Tonight's premiere episode (well, technically 2 eps) showed that the new Thundercats series has many of the elements that made the original series fun, married to a story of surprising depth & complexity.    Thundera, for all it's strength, was far from utopic, and Lion-O was not the only character with lessons to learn.

Despite the limited length (1 hour, including commercials) every character had a chance to shine, from proud Claudus to a surprisingly not-annoying Snarf.  There was even a cameo by Lynx-O (one of the later additions to the original series).

Of course, being the sort of geek I am, seeing Mumm-Ra blown through a wall was quite cathartic.  *grin*

I'll be watching next week for sure.  After all, we still need to meet Panthro.

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